
Video Series

Concussion and dementia are huge public health concerns, and they are conditions that are hard to diagnose. With neuroscientist Dr. David Eagleman, Rigsby Hull created this series of inforamtional videos for BrainCheck, the healthcare company whose unique game-like testing interface identifies those conditions—helping prevent needless tragedies due to undiagnosed concussions—and tracks them over time—providing invaluable information to dementia patients, their families, and their healthcare providers. 

Video capture and audio by Dan Mohr Photography

Concussion Video Series No. 1
What is a concussion?

Concussion Video Series No. 2
What do I do next?

Neurocognitive Testing Video Series No. 2
Examples of Neurocognitive Testing

Dementia Series Video No. 3
Prevalence, Causes & Types